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Data Visualization Tree Sophia Han

The Systems Change team has been supporting the efforts of the Province towards the Anti-Racism Data Act (ARDA). There is a need for organizations across our province to gather feedback from equity-seeking communities and we are happy the Province is looking to do the same at the provincial level. 2023 Collingwood Days will see our team promote the survey, and do engagement of our own that will help inform how the Renfrew Collingwood Anti-Racism Committee will meet the needs of the neighbourhood.

The engagement, called a “Data Visualization Tree” will co-create art work with community members and artistically visualize different data points of who is part of our diverse community and what they hope to see in the neighbourhood.The artistry involved requires that community members add strings or ribbons of different colours to the tree to symbolize different feedback and we hope everyone can join Collingwood Days and help create a beautiful piece of art.


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Jul 20 2023


5:30 am - 7:00 pm


CNH Annex
Vancouver, BC